A workout for your grey matter – the fe3 mindstretch®

We know you're busy. And we also know how valuable it can be to have a few hours, out of the office and away from the phone, to concentrate on the things which affect your business.

Our mindstretch® sessions are all about giving you that space, that time, and that stimulation. Either with colleagues, or peers from other organisations.

Paradise Lost? Trust and big business

Trust is a battered commodity in our current business environment; according to the Edelman Trust Barometer, nearly half the global population do not trust the business environment to do what’s right. The financial sector and the banks languish at the foot of the league table as the least trusted industries, despite a slight recovery from last year.

But can we trust the trust research? And how important is it for business? The mindstretch® will look briefly at the origins of trust research and consider some of its weaknesses. We’ll also examine whether trust really does equate to consumer loyalty and revenue, and the links between trust and reputation.

Finally, we’ll look at what leaders and organisations can do to increase trust among employees and also among consumers.

Places cost £150 and include all slides and references. Click here to book.